Ecology | Our Green Statement
For a better future. We protect what we love.
As a leading international textile company, PONGS® is aware of its ecological responsibility. Our aim is not only to comply with the world’s highest environmental standards,but even to go well below the specified limit values. We use state-of-the-art energy and environmental technology to conserve resources, minimize the impact on the environment and produce climate-neutral products.
In terms of environmentally friendly production processes, PONGS® makes no compromises: Thanks to fully biological wastewater treatment plant, ozone reactors, flotation and ultrafiltration, electrocoagulation our wastewater leaves the production cycle as cleanly as it enters. Exhaust air pollutants are filtered out with state-of-the-art air washers, neutralization and activated carbon filters at a rate of 99.9%. Our goal is to generate heat, compressed air and electricity completely thanks to the latest block heating, compressed air heat and solar power plants. Our power plants already cover 40% of our heating and heating requirements and reduce the company’s CO2 emissions by around 900 tonnes per year. Another solar power plant of approx. 600,000 kw is already being planned. In order to use the energy for further processes, almost all machines and the compressed air thermal power plant are connected to heat recovery systems (energy saving of more than 300,000 liters of heating oil per year).
The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certificate adds a crucial piece of the puzzle to our sustainability concept. It confirms PONGS®’s extensive use of recycled materials by an internationally renowned organization. We thus produce completely free of PVC, with steadily increasing use of recycled polyester as the basis of our textile production and under demonstrably fair working conditions. This is also verified with the GRS seal. Another clear sign that you can put your trust in PONGS®.
Find out more about the Ecological Philosophy of PONGS® : GREEN STATEMENT